Edfu temple
Has put Ptolemy III basis Temple Edfu on August 23 in 237 BC. AD, but the construction has not been before 5 December year 57 BC. AD, but this temple Pharaonic Egyptian Portal its core, but it does not exist before any traces of statues huge or obelisks in a manner What was normally found in Pharaonic temples, adorn this gate traditional ornament at the top of different religious views, and underneath King denounced by his enemies in the presence of the god Horus.And lead gate to the courtyard surrounded بجانبيه and the wall in which the entrance Dhller with columns carrying warheads of models palms and lotus flower, as well as the class known as the heads of flowers or warheads mounted, and resemble each head of warheads vehicle ناقوسا adorns aspects of a number of flowers and leaves of different plants arranged in situations differentiated, based on the bell, as milling, head of the heads of Hathor, a cubic huge adorn each side of the face four top lady her ear cow, has been decorated columns and walls left by the views of religious inscriptions, carved in the middle of the rock and requested color.There are behind the patio lounge with columns, you to both sides of the entrance are three columns up between each other, as well as between them and the walls sides in this gym six walls of the short, does not exceed a height of half the height of the columns, and behind these six columns rows two in each six columns , described behind the facade columns and agreed with her in class, and the heads of these columns of palm models heads and the heads of the flowers on progressions.And raises the origin of the walls short Unlike a great view, because these blinds is not a fad introduced in the Ptolemaic era that was used was popularized in this day and age, it did not appear for the first time in the temples of the Ptolemies, but appeared before that, at the time of the modern state of Karnak and Medinet Habu, as well as at the time of the Thirtieth Dynasty in Medinet Habu and elephants, and can Ttfser use this Alstiar desire to allow for a great deal of light and air access to the internal parts of the temple, which is the same desire that led to that replaces the system of lighting common past through openings Supreme implications of the increasing height of the columns Central on the high side columns, another system known as well as in some Pharaonic temples and was a work of large holes in the roof, has decorated the walls of this hall and columns represent the views of Ptolemy VIII is based some of the rituals that relate to the establishment of this temple.In the north wall of the hall entrance leads to the lounge columns again smaller than the first, but the beauty Ieidha good for its small size, this hall twelve columns of style columns-tipped vehicle, these columns are arranged in three rows, each consisting of four columns less magnitude of the pillars of the hall first, and decoration of this hall second similar in topic ornament hall first, but shows where Ptolemy IV instead of the eighth, this is it characterized by the high level to which the same art, but this gym isotopes in the temples of pharaohs such as the Temple of Medinet Habu, the Ramesseum, as is the case in these temples, located here as well as small rooms to the sides of this second hall.As is the case in the Ramesseum lead this hall to the halls small one behind the other, has decorated the walls of these halls views represent the king worships to different gods, and lead the hall back to the Holy of Holies, a Hall of rectangular with one door is located on the main axis of the temple, representing landscapes that decorated the walls of the Holy of Holies King is worshiped Horus and his wife Hathor, and the center of the hall altar low were placed upon compound sacred, and at the end of this hall there Naús small put the statue Badie the falcon Bible, and was in this room remain closed sealed, not to break the seals and opens the door only in the major holidays, does not allow entry only to the priest's largest and Pharaoh, who was his position entitles him to the tasks of the priest, the largest in any temple, surrounded بقدس Deathly vestibule opens him several small rooms, allocated each of them to worship one of the gods and there in this temple, There is also in Pharaonic temples, Salman, one on the east side and the other on the west side to reach the surface of the temple, has covered walls السلمين the views of religious festivals.As is the case in the temple of Karnak, there in the temple of Edfu vestibule external revolves around parts of the Interior from the Hall of Columns First, has decorated the internal interface of the walls of this vestibule scenes battles Horus with six, and the views of the rite, which perpetuates the victory of Horus, and the external interface of the walls shall bear the views of Ptolemy X Alexander the Great and Wife Queen Brenneki and are Aabdan of different gods.It is clear from all over the Egyptian Temple of Edfu Temple purely in design, architecture and decoration model, so that archaeologists could not identify the date by reading texts suggesting that it is devoid of Greek influences completely devoid.
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